We resonated with the word Study and how it aligned with the dedication of time for learning, experimenting and exploring our curiousity.


By Definition:

1Devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject.

12A detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation.

A studio principle we hold with high value is our belief in the magic of curious minds. This has led Study to be our opportunity to get uncomfortable, learn, test and understand new mediums. As we seek to nourish our growth, we are empowered to collaborate with inspiring creative talent from around the world. Learning from one and another with a mutual goal to have fun and experiment.

Our efforts will create new paths of work and continue to push our abilities both for ourselves and for our partners. Through the end of the year, we will be sharing our studies big and small. With no expectation other than unlocking new practices that excite us and pure visual enjoyment.